Lace Swing Dress

How to wear a swing dress

I find swing dresses shapeless and hard to style without using a belt until I saw this dress. First of all, I’m crazy about embroidery trend as of the moment so honestly if this dress doesn’t have embroidery on it my chance for me to get this is nil. But the intricate embroidery has won me over.

swing dress blog

Second, because the fabric is light and sheer the dress wouldn’t look bulky on me but still has the swing factor happening especially when walking. And lastly, who wouldn’t be captivated by the colour combination of this dress? The flared bell sleeves are just a bonus.

sheer embroidered dresschanel flap bag

Even if this dress is a bit long for me, I still find it irresistible that I have to add it onto my cart pronto. I had to do the styling more tasteful though and add points on my accessories. Like I wore a block heels which are colour coordinated with the dress. Then finished it off with a Chanel flap bag to make those evening events extra special.

what to wear with block heels

Living Doll dress

Thank you for reading, ’til next post. You can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between posts.

Outfit Details:

Embroidered swing dress from Living Doll
Block heels similar
Sunglasses from Spitfire

Bag from Chanel