The Gingham Style

How to wear over the knee boots

It’s my first time to wear gingham print since this trend has resurfaced, I know I should have done it already but I was waiting for the right dress to come. Early this year when it was still summer I thought about showcasing this in my blog but I was skeptical, not only it reminds me of the picnic table cloth but also my high school uniform.

How to wear the gingham printGingham print dress

Then on winter I spotted this dress with tiered ruffle sleeves and cold shoulder style, who can say no to this hot item? So I waited few more months ’til I can go out and rock this outfit. Finally, yesterday when it was not freezing I donned this dress. On our way home we stopped over in our favourite park and took these shots.

Alexander Wang Lia bag Tony Bianco boots

I could have worn flats or sneakers for more casual and comfy attire but it was still cold when we stepped out of the house plus it looks more fun wearing an OTK boots. It didn’t only warm me but it has also glammed up the look. Finished it with my Alexander Wang Lia bag, the silver stud detailing gave an edgy sort of vibe.

Gingham Style blogQuay Australia sunglasses

Thank you for reading, ’til next post. You can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between posts.

Outfit Details:

Dress from Missguided 
Boots from Tony Bianco
Bag from Alexander Wang
Sunglasses from Quay Australia