Fluttery sleeves top and Grommet jeans

How to wear grommet jeans

You don’t know how hard to publish a blog post unless you are in between travelling like me right now 🙂 This post is a day delayed from my usual time frame. I’m in California as of the moment and will be heading for New York tomorrow. I’m praying for a safe flight as Hurricane Jose is forecasted to hit NY tomorrow late afternoon or Wednesday morning. Hopefully, it will be ok and our stay will not be all rain as I have planned to go to many iconic places. I’ve prepared for different outfits too that will go with the places.

what to wear in semi cold weatherGrommet blue jeans

But for now, I have this white knitted jumper with tiered sleeves that I paired with grommet jeans in vintage light blue wash. Wore this last week when it was still cold in Sydney, this is great to wear in transitional weather. Grommets or metal eyelets are appearing more and more on articles of clothing and accessories as a little details that instantly add some edge in a fun and easy way. Got this from The Fifth Label which is an Australian brand.

white jumper with tiered sleevesLouis Vuitton Montorgueil bag

I was excited to wear this knitted jumper more with a fluttery tiered sleeves which actually sway every time I move. Honestly, how cute is this? It’s also from another Australian brand called Bardot. My niece gave this to me and I’m glad she did, another pretty and trendy knitwear added to my collection.

Light blue jeans with eyelets

Thank you for reading, ’til next post. You can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between posts.

Outfit Details:

Top from Bardot (similar)
Jeans from The Fifth Label

Boots from Spurr
Bag from Louis Vuitton