The Season of the Romper

How to wear a romper

 Hot season is here again and I am the happiest. Along with it comes the necessity of wearing little clothing as much as possible but still maintaining modesty and comfort. While staying indoors with the AC on full blast doesn’t require much thoughts on what to wear, going outdoors is a whole different thing.

how to style a playsuit what to wear on summer

Romper or Playsuit for me is my best friend when going outdoors on a summer season. It’s the easiest thing to wear with no fuss on what’s the bottom half or top half to match. It’s also fun and trendy at the same time as rompers these days come in different styles.

Short sleeves, long sleeves, off-the-shoulder, cold shoulder or cut-out, name your game. As you can see in my photos, it looks like I had so much fun in the sun wearing these pretty rompers. And I really had haha in case it wasn’t convincing enough. I had fun choosing cute bags and edgy shoes too. When wearing a romper, everything goes as you can throw playful accessories and channel your inner child within.

Thank you for reading, ’til next post. You can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between posts.

First Outfit:

Blue romper from Mink Pink
Red bag from Vivienne Westwood similar
Pompom shoes similar

Second Outfit:
Printed romper from Kendall & Kylie similar
Red crossbody bag from Prada similar
Black studs flats from Marc Jacobs similar