Cold Shoulder Romper for Summer

How to wear a romper

I guess my love-affair with Tobi has started and just kept getting better. If you like the cute dresses in my previous post, I am back with another item this time with a black romper or playsuit whatever term suits you well.

How to wear a playsuit

Cold shoulder necklines are one of our favourite silhouettes this season. And this romper does not only deliver that trend but also the ruffle bell sleeves. It has shoe string straps and long sleeves that enhance the floaty shape.Tobi RomperSenso shoes

 Wearing this playsuit makes me feel chic and playful with its cut-out shoulders and ruffled trims. Not to mention the cut-out back detail looks really cute too, so perfect for parties and beyond.Michael Kors bagBell sleeves trend

 I wore it with my red Michael Kors bag to break the black colour, you can opt for a smaller bag to give a leaner look. When I’m with my toddler big bags are my friend as they hold everything from my wallet to his toys. As you can see this romper is versatile, looks great for casual wear or party outfit.

What to wear on summer in Australia

Thank you for reading, ’til next post. You can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between posts.

Outfit Details:
Romper from Tobi
Bag from Michael Kors
Heels from Senso