The Three Sisters

How to wear a hoodie

One of the items on the to-do list when my sis came from overseas was to visit the Three Sisters in Blue Mountains. Since there’s 3 of us girls in the family we can have a pic together with the caption ‘The 3 sisters at the 3 sisters’, how fun and cheesy haha.

What to wear in the Blue MountainsWhat to wear in The Three Sisters

It’s the second time I featured this Sydney icon in the blog and I only get to come here when I have guests to show around. It’s a perfect alibi to go somewhere and act like a tourist of my own city. As usual, there’s a lot of people looking at this magnificent rock formation but aside from the 3 Sisters there’s also the majestic Jamison Valley and the whole expanse of the Blue Mountains.

What a toddler would wear in the Blue MountainsHow to wear pink jeans

It’s always best to come on cold season when there are no pesky flies going into your mouth 🙂 Although fog would sometimes cover the valley like what happened this time but it was still worth the 2 hours drive from Sydney.

The Three Sisters blog Blue Mountains blog

Personally, I don’t like cold weather but it is the only time I can wear layers, boots and hoodies. For this trip, I wore this black printed zip up hoodie and paired it with the light pink jeggings I got from Zara. Normally, I would finish it with black boots but I had to give these new suede ankle boots a spin. It came out better and gave more radiance which was needed on a cloudy day.

What to wear during winter in Sydney

Thank you for reading, ’til next post. You can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between posts.

Outfit Details:
Zip up hoodie from Mish Mash similar here and here 
Pink jeggings from Zara
Ankle boots from Spurr 
Bag from Louis Vuitton