The Vinyl Skirt

how to wear vinyl skirt

Vinyl was not new when I was growing up but it was only confined to the living room as I’m talking about vinyl records. But recently it has entered into my wardrobe too in the form of this skirt 🙂 I just can’t resist when I saw this dark red vinyl skirt in H&M Sydney store as part of their Studio AW17 collection last September.

How to wear a vinyl skirtHow to wear a floral blouse

 I took this skirt when I went to US that month and searched for a cute top to pair it with. I finally found a perfect match in H&M San Francisco, however, I didn’t pick it up straight away as I was looking for more. But I couldn’t forget about it and luckily when we headed to Los Angeles I saw it again in H&M LA downtown shop. The vinyl trend is carried on from Autumn to one of Spring’s hottest fashion trends, see it here for a good read. So it’s safe to say you can aquire a vinyl apparel and rock it on whether Spring or Fall.

How to wear a vinyl trend blog

 I wore this outfit one time in LA when we were staying at Sheraton Grand Downtown hotel for almost a week. I paired it with slides and a crossbody bag while exploring the streets of LA. That was one of the best times of 2017 for me, living in a foreign country like a local. We used to go to Bottega Louie which is an Italian restaurant and French patisserie for lunch, afternoon tea and for their pretzels, macaroons and lavender scones.   

The vinyl trend

Fast forward to this time in Sydney, I decided to use a belt to keep the skirt in place. Top tip when purchasing a vinyl skirt is to go one size down so it hugs the body tightly and stays where it should be.

How to wear a vinyl trend review

And I chose to wear high heels to dress up this outfit a bit and to match my newly acquired large patent Lady Dior bag. Ahh, isn’t she a beauty?

Lady Dior Large bag

Thank you for reading, you can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between blog posts.

Outfit Details:

Vinyl skirt from H&M similar here and here
 Floral top from H&M similar here and here
Belt from Gucci
Sandals from Senso
Ivory bag from Dior
Black crossbody bag from Gucci