Boho Chic

How to wear boho chic

I think there’s a bit of bohemian in all of us. I denied it at first but I realised I owned several bohemian pieces without acknowledging I was drawn to it. It might be the paisley, floral or animal prints in the fabric or the exotic embellishment, tassel or fringe in the outfit, there’s something about them that draws you in.

Bohemian Dress blog

What attracted me to a boho dress are the colours that take inspiration from the Camilla dresses or the style of the ‘August the Label’ just like
the one that I was wearing here. Love this black and white number because of its lace-up and playful design.

Pineapple bagPompom flowers

I paired it with a satin lace-up block heels that I find equally endearing. And what more, I found this pineapple bag at Zara which I thought was so cute and can give more playful and fun vibe to the outfit.

Vintage Chanel sunglasses How to wear lace up shoes

I know I have to break the all black and white look so I included this yellow pompom flowers, a variety of Chrysanthemum. Can you believe it’s also called button mums which I think is really cute and just happens to be one of my favourite flowers. Ok, enough with flowers, so what do you think about this outfit?

August the label dress Bohemian dress

Thank you for reading, ’til next post. You can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between posts.

Outfit Details:

 Bohemian dress from August the label
Lace-up block heels from Ego

Pineapple bag from Zara

Vintage sunglasses from Chanel