Mixed Print Dress Trend

Mixed print dress review

I’m a firm believer that floral is a classic pattern and you can see me wearing it in Summer, Spring, and part of Autumn. Much to my delight when not only one floral pattern exists in one dress but 2 or more at once.

How to wear mixed print dress

Rixo brand arguably was the first to kick off the trend but popular brands on both the high-street and designer circuits have their own iterations. Mixed prints don’t only come in florals but also in animal prints, stripes, plaids, paisley, you name it.

I find mixed florals attractive and a subtle choice especially when they come in the same shade just like this pink maxi dress I wore in the beach. My niece gave this dress as my birthday present and I was utterly surprised. 

Another one I scored is this light layered dress although in different shades but has a ditsy floral pattern in common. I like that the prints visually fit together, it seems like they’re made for each other.

mixed floral dress review

I know mixed prints are not for everyone but it’s undeniably a fresh and fun trend. I know, I will be rocking these outfits (in fact I got another one) while this trend is here to stay.

What is your take on this trend? Love it or hate it?

Mixed print outfit review

Thank you for reading, ’til next post. You can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between posts.

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