The Changing of Seasons

How to wear tweed skirt

The cold weather has progressed and my environment right now is a mixture of green, orange and brown. While I’m trying to adapt to the season by wearing layers and standing out by staying on the monochromatic colours my hair can’t help looking orangey just like the deciduous tree’s Autumn leaves.

What to wear in Autumn How to wear a biker jacketWhat to wear in transitional weather

My hair doesn’t really get affected by the seasons but my mood does. Though I admit our winter is not harsh which I really thank God for I still become quite gloomy when chilly nights and frosty mornings are slowly creeping in. Nevertheless, I am happy with the change of colours in my surroundings. It gives an interesting backdrop for photos and uplifts moods naturally.

Pots for sale at wild pear cafe Nursery in Dural

On the weekend, we visited a popular café in the Hills district of Sydney that is overlooking a nursery. I always cherish fambam adventures especially when cool location and good food are involved. Even on a Friday this café which was located out of nowhere (meaning people would drive there purposely to eat) was extremely busy that we didn’t get a table in the verandah. The rosewater milkshake with fairy floss was a hit that I wanted seconds.

Wild pear cafe dural Wild pear cafe reviews rosewater milkshake

Outside the café was like a maze of never ending plants and pots for sale. Plants of different varieties and pots of different colours and sizes were everywhere dwarfing and getting me lost.

I’m glad my outfit has stood out and yes I’m back with another plaid though it’s a plaid skirt this time. I’m still crazy about the Plaid Trend, even though I was wearing a leather biker jacket the wrap around plaid skirt has softened the look. Looks like the boots season has started for me too. Watch out for the next boots that I will be strutting.

How to wear layers What to wear with a biker jacket

Thank you for reading, you can connect me in Instagram busyandfab to see my fab finds, other outfits and events in between blog posts.

Outfit Details:

Plaid skirt from Portmans similar here and here
   Biker jacket from Missguided
 Boots similar

Bag from Calvin Klein
Sunglasses from Furla